Modern slavery , or how the mantra of work and work are making the rich richer.

Work and work is a mantra which you can hear echoing in almost in whole society. But why really? That is a really interesting question. Is it really necessary? For whom are we doing it? Wat happens with the work?

I will try to give an answer on this. At least put it in perspective. Subsequently you can think about it and maybe you will see where we actually did arrive.

Work is doing tasks for somebody , a person or a company , who gets something in return. A product which he can use or selling it through to somebody else. In the last case , selling to somebody else , he will make a profit. If he does it a little bit smart he (almost) does not have to work himselve.

The last people think often that they are the smartest. They try to let other people do all the work and give them the illusion that they are important. That they are creating jobs. That they are making products which are people making or giving a better life. A nice thought but mostly an illusion.

Products are via Marketing promoted as necessary. The work that is needed is being done in countries with the lowest wages in the cheapest countries. Quality is less because promotion of the product and label is key. You can only spend the money once so promoting the label is the best choice. Production is not being produced in self owned production facilities but outsourced to contractors at the lowest pricing. The making of profit , as high as possible , is the only thing that counts.

It are companies , actually merchants , and they parasitize on others. Their slaves. And those are many. The consumer via marketing. The politicians who let the people believe in the neo liberal fairytale. The countries who , incorrectly , assume that something will flow through to the regional economy. But production always moves to the lowest bidder. So for the worker , also just slaves, at the lowest wages that will occur in this ratrace.

It are the rich who cultivate the new form of slavery and by all means keep it alive. Lobbying is the modern word for subtle en cultivated bribery , blackmail and influencing via (multi) media. People are getting loads of information , true and not true , thrown at their faces. Numbed as they are they are not open anymore for critical thinking and acting. That is at least what the rich are trying to achieve and they are doing it rather well.

To be honest it are their greatest enemy. People who can think freely and critically. People who can realize that if they unite themselves they can achieve that wealth can be redistributed in a fair way. That humans will be put back in the centre again. That consuming for the sake of consuming is an unnecessary addiction. Brought into this world by merchants who are only thinking about making money. From products. From raw materials. From work. From labour. But is it needed. Do we really use it? Does it have to go this way. The modern slavery is an inhuman situation that we should put behind us as soon as possible.

The democracy through parlement does not make a stand. So high time that the democracy from the society , so the people , to put themselves at the forefront. Going to the barricades so to speak. 

The Climate agreement , and how politicians show who they really are.

The Dutch Climate agreement. It exists of 233 pages en contains all beautiful “management” words. Like goals, empty statements and references.

There are supporting , thinks on subsidies , streams of money made available for parties from which the consultant can profit in a nice smooth way. That these streams of money are being paid by the taxpayer is a story that also needs attention. Will save that one for another time.

What are the real things by which we can save the climate. In a manageable form ofcourse.  Are we going to do it sustainable? That does not mean that it is good for the ecology. Or acceptable for the citizens

The agreement has been settled by many different parties at different tables. Depending on the subject. The possible good outcomes are therefore negotiated to vague promises and intentions. The real experts are barely involved. Otherwise spear points who where pointed out now , hydrogen – biomass – circular agriculture , would have been treated different. *** The shortnoun OED ,  oppervlakte energie dichtheid / surface energy density , would have been mentioned in that case. This is together with the (electricity) network the basis to achieve something. If you do not know what that means. Do not have a vision on that. If you do not have a central , nation – and continental wide , coordination than you are doomed.

Politicians are looking on that point , so knowledge , guilty. But there is an other on which they are guilty. Except that we should do everything that really works , have a look at the book Drawdown by Paul Hawken , it should be clear that it is urgent as hell.

The politicians are still playing with the factor: Time. There is no time to waist and still they playing with it. It can wait for a while because the goals are only there in 2030 and 2050. The Climate Agreement from Paris and other agreements  are being use as a guideline. Time for meetings and bargaining with measures is already gone. Still that is what they are doing. Deliberately?? If they look in the mirror they will realize it. Looking at their faces and into their eyes it shows as well. Some are laughing it away and say it will be allright. It is almost the same as denying  it as some other politicians do.

Politics is a slowing and distorting factor in the problems we are facing. They should realize that in this way their role quickly could be played out. It is time that their (personal/party) interests should be put aside and serve the people.

The same goes for the NGO’s. Greenpeace for example puts Hydrogen in first place for solving the climate problem. But that is not the solution unless you are stupid. Just like the fact that they where realizing for decennia that intensive animal husbandry was the biggest climate problem. Deliberately they did not put it on the agenda. Their businessmodel is more important than to share the real knowledge and making it clear to the world. There are more of these NGO’s from which the real good NGO’s have to suffer. Their ego and exsistance are more important than mankind.

Being transparant and a not leading by ego ,  for organizations that is profit , is what makes parties serving the people on this planet. The humans should be put in the centre and only in that way they a right of existence and real legitimacy. If that is not going to happen and the people also really demand it it will become a nice world for only the selected few. When planet Earth is consumed they think there will be another planet within their reach. The nice things about planets is that they are not dying but only transforming. To the good or bad of the current nature on that planet.

Blockchain , a blessing or devil in disguise.

[ The previous article has been rewritten after closer study and advice.]

Internet changed the world. They say the same now on cryptocurrency and the blockchain. Cryptocurrency can not do without blockchain. But blockchain can.

Blockchain is in principle decentralized and open source. It is a new way of making and controlling a database. I have read several articles and books on the subject. One thing is sure. It is a hype at the moment. Just like the Bitcoin. A crypto currency.

Starting a crypto currency is like creating a new bank. But the blockchain can not yet handle the transactions fast enough like the current payment systems. So there is a challenge that people are already working on.

Privacy could be an issue. What are we going to store and use it for is the question. The whitepaper is the bible for that so to say. But that is made upfront , clear and transparant. If it is not in the favour of the user it will not have a momentum. Like f.e. Facebook “wrongly” did get.

Everybody can start and create a blockchain on whatever purpose. There are already a lot. A strong growth can be expected. Some have the same ideas and or business models. It might become chaotic. See for example all the apps you can dowload. It is not much more than a website but it holds memory and slows down your mobile phone. It could become a jungle where nobody can find its way. So there is compass needed and maybe regulations should be implement.

A new cryptocurrency can be hyped on the internet via trolls and fake news on social media. People step in and the creator steps out by cashing in and makes lots of money. There are not many rules to protect you yet. Only common sense can help you here. So there is a point to understand. There might be a devil in disguise.

Can we put everything in a blockchain. That is a nice question. Keep in mind that it is an database. And its virtual. A tree in nature grows according to a certain proces. That is not something we can capture exactly. An algorythm could capture most of it and with a smart contract and a blockchain trees and forests could take economically care of themselves. Their own identity so to say and generating value for them selves instead of being plundered by people. The value will be more than they need. If we do it for machines it is also for sure.

The value , or in other words money , that is being generated should be wisely used. As it is created by the commons it should be going back to the commons. The way to do that would be an Unconditional Basic Income. Also protections of the commons , so nature and environment , should be coming from this source. This would be the blessing I am referring to.

Also we could put the data from Facebook and Google into an blockchain owned by the users. The value of this data would be for the users instead of Marc Zuckerberg. Which data would be commercialized is something you can put upfront into a smartcontract.  Furthermore a blockchain is transparent and decentralized. If that is not the case it is not really a blockchain.

Governance is still in development but there a big steps being made. So DAO’s are in their momentum and emerging. DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. Bitcoin and Etherium are examples. AI can be added to DAO’s. Which means that Artificial Intelligence gets an ability to resources , via the DAO , so say.

Will the (AI) DAO’s create a commons from which everyone can prosper?This is very good possible. If goverments and politicians will fail to establish it right now via a social tax / value contract for companies and other value adding natural resources.  We will make the wings ourselves to share the blessings of nature so that everyone will prosper.

A new beginning and (european) elections.

There are again elections. European elections. Elections mostly take place in a democracy. But what a democracy really consists of is not clear to most people. How the current democracy is working is also not clear. Is it really democratic?

In headlines there are two essential forces within a democracy. A representing and social/society force. They are both necessary and should be in balance.

The representing democracy is elected by citizens and the representatives are representing the people. They should by making and doing politics create a better city , township , province , country , Europe or world.

The societal democracy is being made by the citizens if it going correctly. At this moment that is not the case. Citizens should follow society in a critical way. Speak up. Organize themselves. Go into discussion with representatives. In a healthy democracy the political representatives are giving space for this. In time and possibilities. Adapting their opinion and policy when in an open and fair debate things are becoming clear.

The Yellow Vest can be considered as a wake up call for the critical sound. But the representing democracy has transformed itself into a party system with problem solving directors. There is a lack on openness , transparency and direct participation. They have already excluded the experts from the game. Although they are really necessary to come up with real and working solutions that need to be implemented.

It is time for the representing democracy to go back where they belong. Making politics , develop a vision and go into dialogue with the society and the world. Be transparant and honest. Removing the party system is an idea. The Eerste Kamer replacing by a citizens councel also. The Raad Van State could be restored into a new glory. Leaving the managing to adequate and good directors. Ministers not selected out of politicians but leave it to real experts.

Getting back to the title. A new beginning. This points to challenging things. Dearing to make changes. Listen to everybody and go into debate. And this again and again. Constantly giving a chance on a new beginning. Without it democracy will turn into an empty sleeve. A place where freedom is an illusion. If that happens there is still a right , the right of civil disobedience , by which we can demonstrate. Strike so things can be (temporarily) shut down. Even a revolution can be established. History teaches us that it is sometimes necessary.  Let we come it that far ?

We have to renew. Looking of where we would like to go. Our ideals. How can we really make the world better. This is what I miss in the current politics. Also in the European elections. They talk about issues but forget to put the facts underneath on the table. Also the structure to make actually the influence to change matter has not been made clear. Afraid for their power and positions probably. You loose your authority in that way.

The European Union is namely not so democratic. And also not transparant. The European Council is the only one who can introduce new Law. The Parlement , who has been elected now, can only say yes or no or ask for an amendment. The European Councel , consisting of the the prime ministers or minister of department from the countries , can go around the parlement. For instance look at the Turkey and Libia deal with regards to refugees. Not a nice example for democracy but arranged deals leading to violation of human rights , torture and death. In a just state with rule of law this would be condemned and punished. A court of law would have called this order but inside Europe that has not happened yet. Judicial institutions are being “kaltgestelt”? Inside the Council there is for all  participating states a veto right. A majority can therefore be block by a minority. Before we unite Europe any further there needs to be made many changes

Till that time we and the states need to be independent in such a way that we can easily disengage or engage the union and speak out. A no because we can not live with that.  And yes we are going to debate on that. That is something that always should be done. In the city , the Provence , the country , Europe and the United Nations. Amor Mundi is still my mindset.

Tell me it is not so. Tell me it is not true.

Sometimes you read a book that smashes some of your illusions. Like a kind of thief it steels the veil and shows you who the real villains are. Truths are being  back to the underworld of lies. But if you really want to say something in the discussion about immigration a Must Read. Including Geert , Thierry , Mark , Klaas and other immigration populists.

The title of that book is Nobody Wants Them , in Dutch Niemand Wil Ze Hebben , written by Linda Polman. It is about Europe and its refugees.

It is difficult to put thing in the right perspective. But I will try to point out a few matters that where clearly prominent. And also indicate where we should change things.

The reception of asylum seekers is not from recent times. Human values are not that important as they let us believe. The UNHCR is a begger from the UN. Just like many NGO’s. The UN always makes less means available  that is needed. The UN countries can also claim their own specific demands. Governments and politicians ignore in their battle against immigrants the human rights and therefore they are accessory to violating the human rights and tortures with death as consequence. Human values are being raped to serve political interests. Justice is needed here.

Heavy , depressing , tears shedding , sad , sick making , unbelievable  and more of the catastrophic words. They are all applicable. Inhumane is a word I do not dare to use because inhumane seems to be a normal human act. But is a heavy failure. It is also far from humankind. There is no kindness at all. Even animals don’t make such a mess in their kingdom.

The role of the NGO’s is not completely clear to me. Specifically the NGO’s have a certain aim and direction. They try via donations from individuals , companies and governments to realize their goals. But in the manner they are doing that and how they are being used has disadvantages.

On NGO’s and how they are aiding I wrote an article earlier. Not efficient  and no structured vision in short words. They are trying to be a global organization. That is better than the trend in the political parties in the many nation states. They do not see , or don’t wont to see , that the multinationals and that the big money already operate globally for a lonfg time. So you can not locally regulate and control that.

An united Europe or better an united world could do this better. The UN is the organization that should be playing that role. There is a lot of good will but the structure and the support from UN countries , or the lack of it , makes it that they are not able to really improve the world.

It seems like if the different UN countries , just like many people , have an ego. That ego is namely a big obstacle. Just as if the Alpha leader can arrange everything based upon power. If you look back in history with a good eye you will see that it does not work that way. Cross over that perception. If you want to cherish wealth than either you share it or defend your borders and be prepared to put people in camps and or kill them. The defending choice is popular right now. People are voting on the right side and populistic. They ease their conscious by giving a donation to a good cause or charity.

So you see that hypocrisy and ego are good friends. But not to mankind and the world.

Past , present and future.

In the present we can take action. It will result into a future. From the past we can see where earlier action did bring us.

Please take a moment. Or even a little more. What do you see? What do you think about it? Was it good? Was is bad? Where people foolish in their choices? Some people call this reflection. In a busy and hectic world it is maybe difficult to do. But it is essential. This in order to have a world that is in line with what you have in mind or dream of.

Thinking is one the most powerful tools that we as homo sapiens have. But for this we do need to have a clear mind. Know that some stories from the past are just stories. They have a purpose. Unite people in such a way that it can move to a certain direction.

Which stories are being written right now. And if these stories are written are they being passed on by the right and or left side. For example by artificial intelligence and genetics. Technical developments are going that fast it is hard to keep up with by mankind.

What is the vision of the politicians. In the past they thought about it. But due to a free market in a big world there is not really control by them anymore. They are just trying to manage things the best way they can. But in the future they could and probably will be surpassed by algorithms.

Computers with algorithms , like Watson from IBM , will have more benefits than a normal doctor or politician or you name it. Artificial Intelligence might surpass us. Integrate in people’s life in all kind of ways.

It might create a huge amount of “useless” people. Which current politician or political party has a vision on that. If so it is a global development so are we even able to control it.  The time do it is now. We can not get by with politics without a vision and without a clear eye on future possibilities.

Focusing and solving only the day to day problems and issues only means that the past did not do what it needed to do. Have a vision or a dream and act accordingly. Being silent on this means that you prefer to sleep and do not mind what your eyes might see when they open. It is a choice. But is not yours. Can you complain? Yes. Do you have a right to do so? Not really.

You have to relax and think for yourself what you want and what is the best way to react. A wise vote. Public disobedience. On the barricades. There are more possibilities than you think.

Election results in perspective.

The elections in the Netherlands for the members in the states of the provinces has been done. And yes there are winners and losers. Disappointment and euphoria. But the valued votes have been made.

The Forum Of Democracy have won and are almost shouting from joy. The media tries to brighten the sensation. Enlarging it also. Points of view accentuating which causes these results in their favour. A nice game to get and keep audience ratings as high as possible.

But lets go back to the basics for a minute. The foundation is a democracy in which there is an abundant participation. How can we see or measure that in a good way.

As for me the election attendance rating is a good indicator to judge this. Lets have a look at that number. Wow , that number is 56,1%. This means that all parties do have only a small majority compared with all that people who are “finished” with voting. Not really a good grade I would say. Modesty would the right attitude for all politicians.

Let have a look at het so called winners. The Forum Of Democracy scores with a 14.4%. This means that 85.6% did not vote on them. For the other parties this is even worse.

There is a group of 44.9 % for whom it does not really matter. They have no trust or confidence in politics. Thinking my vote is not worthwhile. They do not see a purpose , difference or use. They are avoiding the responsibility of citizenship but are really the biggest party.

Is this something recent. No , the attendancy with these elections are generally rather low. Elections for the Tweede Kamer , so national level , are better. So also more representative. At least more clear.

What should be clear in a democracy is how do you get all the mindsets of the voter represented. And if that is not the case it would be good to think on that. As said modesty would than be appropiate. But reality is rather different. A combination of power and arrogance maybe. 

My thought would be making a citizenship agreement. I will give everybody his freedom , fair rights and more time but also the obligation for a well chosen vote. Preferably in a direct way. As direct as possible.

Sounds fair if you will be provided a Basic Income. But you are free to disagree. Please let me know your thoughts. 

The Jesus Principle

Two years ago I was sitting in the train from St.Petersburg to Moscow. I got into a conversation with two Russian ladies. At that point in time I was already engaged with the movement as reflected on this website. One of the ladies did speak her mind saying that war was coming. Also without a doubt she said the first bomb would fall on Russian soil. The question for her was only when.

Her idea was formed by the closed imaging from Russia and the Russian media. This media also gives in the Western world a complete deformed image of Russia. It seems as if the media has forgotten her task to inform people in an honest , calm and in putting it an perspective.

Media has sold his soul of impartiality and objective criticial way of thinking to the commercial forces of neo-liberal mindset and acting. Audience ratings are key. Therefore also sensation and magnifying bad news. It is also not solely to sell advertisement spaces. It is also about favouring those parties in return who are supporting their business and existence.

It even looks like that they see fake news as real and are throwing it into the world. Information pollution is my thought. Lots of people are unhooking. They , politicians and media , don’t know what people are really thinking anymore. But opinion polls they understand very well and they adjust their tactics. Vision and fortitude are easily being sacrificed. They chameleonize in order to get as much votes as possible. Adjusting their campaign  in a calculating way. Making extra commercials on tv , YouTube , Facebook and other social media. It has significant costs but they do not (yet) have to make known who are really paying for that.

But a vision where we should go to with our world and planet is far away. Their future is only reaching the next elections and not the following generations. They are putting themselves in first place. Not mankind. They talk about it. They also say that they a lot. But that does not mean anything because their mantra is economic growth. But that is always at the expense of ecology.

That story is not being told. Not by the politicians. Not by the media. It looks like a pas de deux.

Will another story even be accepted. By the politicians. By the media. By the people. Do not forget that people and specially large groups of people are being tied and bound by stories. Those do not have to be true. In other words correct.

The bible is also a story. It describes the faith of Jesus and God. But it are not the exact words that he used. On his real thoughts we have more or less to guess. What he really told to the people was his real message. Direct , mutual and you could ask questions. That is what I call the Jesus Principle.

This principle I do favour to spread my thoughts , knowledge and story. Not what the second Russian young lady proposed. To campaign via YouTube movies and on Social Media on a large scale. This website is not more than an internet calling card to make you think. To have a contact if you are looking and can not figure things out. Otherwise as well. If I meet people in the street or somewhere else I  will first start a conversation. If you have an interest I will give you my calling card. No twittering and other superficial media in which you can not put things in the right context. It should be real , personal and complete.

When I said this to the the second Russian young lady her reaction to me was: So the Jesus Principle. Yes I said , the Jesus Principle.

The magnetic attraction of prosperity, and how to reverse the flow of migration.

A pretentious title. I am aware of that. The western world is for most people in the world the place to be with regards to prosperity. A place to whom they are drawn to in order to experience a good human existence.

Question should than be: Is this really the case? Whats is the prosperity there. Mostly it is an economic prosperity. So money. Better facilities. It looks like that.

But it is not directly available for a refugee. You have to comply to rules. You can go into illegality. Work in anyway you can find and send money home. It is a way to find improvement in life. But in illegality you are in most cases close or in the crime scene as well. Not something I would call real prosperity.

Prosperity also means that have you no or almost no real worries. That you can be in the neighborhood of your family. Being there where your social ties started and grew. Having the possibility to build a reasonable existence. Doing things you like and in which you can help others also. Giving respect and getting recognition. That is the kind of prosperity we should be seeking.

Not the prosperity of a big house , a car , another car , a vacation , another vacation. Materials things will never be enough to fill the greedy caterpillar. There will not become a beautiful butterfly from that but a never satisfied and consuming dragon.

That this dragon is working on eating our world is a different story. I would like to talk about that beautiful butterfly. Can we bring that beautiful butterfly into the light? And while we are doing that halting the flow of migration and maybe turn that around?

I think it is possible. There is already a huge gap between rich and poor. A way to diminish that gap is a Basic Income. You share some of the wealth and pull up the poor to a higher level. They are than able to develop themselves in a human way in the place and country where they where born and grew up. Starting initiatives and or companies that will be an added value to that region. Creating prosperity in an own and just way. In consideration with their own culture.

The local government needs to make just and good regulations. Local companies should get more space than the multinational. You should be thinking on an other way of taking taxes. The use of patentrights should be different. Making products should be according open-source. Trade agreements should be fair and more free. There should be implemented a real fair trade , fair profit and fair use system.

If that has been taken care of you can provide the basic income. This should be done by the budget holder.  So in The Netherlands it should be the government in the Hague. Not the provences. Not the parishes. It could be moving to Europe. Or even de UN and than probably the IMF.

My idea would be to deploy it to the IMF controlled by the UN for this. If we are doing this we could create a bottom up approach. Rank the countries form poor to rich. Start with the poorest country or countries. In affordability also the best approach. For how it works also. Possible improvement can be taken into account in proceeding to the next countries. In this way people can find their happiness in their own country. Without antics in having to flee and making illegitimate money  and sending it home. Prostitution in the broadest sense so to speak.

Most people do not see any other way to survive. Therefore we can not even blame them. We condemn them as searchers for luck and criminals. But we are creating this world in full awareness. Then we look at each other , avoid each other and let it happen. As long as we are doing fine nothing else matters.

At the moment we create and make barriers and borders in order to shield our not shared prosperity. There will be more than a whole lot of people there shortly which you can not really stop. It will escalate into violence. We should let go of the egoism in the neo-liberal and western worlds mindset.

But if we think in reverse and create a social and humane magnetic force as an opposite. Giving the poorest countries and than the less poor a basic income we would create it. Which way will we go as humanity than.

Take a while to think about this. It will not be easy but there are many good advantages coming out of this. A world on which Thomas Moore would have been jealous.

Its time for the move to a better world.

World Economy.

Yes , world economy. Why am I writing this. Well there is a yearly Forum on this subject. The World Economy Forum. This year it was held at Davos and lots of people and organizations are there to talk about the problems in the World. And yes they are there.

But the readers of my website realize this as well and do know my view on these matters. There is a good video published on YouTube in which many issues are discussed. I would like to share that video with you. So here it is.

Many matters are well stated. Taxes for example. Bono may think that he is like Jesus but that would be a lie. Multinationals and shareholders , it are just people with names and addresses by the way , all look like to have a business side only.

Bill Gates does share some money with charity but his fortune has been made by letting other people pay. He has made considerable profits. But did he pay taxes in a fair way? Let me go through the list of head offices in Amsterdam South. Than it is pretty clear.

Banks earn and make their money by creating bubbles. In the real estate market for example. High prices on houses gives them the ability to make money from nothing and getting nice fees from the charged interests.

It also raises the question what should be really taxed. Is that largely labour? Labour what might not exist anymore. At least less than nowadays. Or should it be on profit and fortune.  A fairness principle is crucial here. Will get in more details on this later.

Queen Maxima promotes on behalf of the IMF microcredits as the way to fight poverty. Still their interest rates are going to 30%. Many thanks Queen Maxima. But when you have worked in the world of banking human principles are lost on the horizon and financial gains are in the picture only. A beautiful smile hides the face of a monster.

Labour conditions and wages are also mentioned in the video. They have been transformed by globalizations and profit maximization in such a way that we are living in a new form of modern slavery. The companies are making the demands. The demands are being dictated by their financers. Banks and shareholders. Together they are in a ratrace , they even start to look like one ,  in which all means are allowed. The managers and politicians do try , because of certain motives ,  to give it a kind of human dignity. That it is actually something good. Sorry but this is just a bad fairytale. In correct words a nightmare.

As promised I am getting back on the fairness principle. If you want the strongest shoulders to carry the highest burden we have to think on fortune. If you are striving for a fair economy you have to tax fortune , profits and products in such a way that the ship we are sailing on is going in the right direction. Growth of the economy  , the famous “holy” growth of the Gross National Product , is something you have to let go. It is mostly going at the expense of ecology. That is where we have to make a good choice.

The planet is our home. Not only for us. Good maintenance is crucial. No growth does not mean there is nothing happening in our economy. The point is that we are doing good things. Circular is one of the principles. Using natural reusable raw materials is an other one. Products are also not always physical. Healing , creating happiness , sharing knowledge making people positive are good and beautiful products.

It is not about more but about good.